Coalition for the Homeless
The need continues...
We are always in need of in-kind donations for our shelter guests, single adults, and families. You could serve a meal in one of our shelters.
Consider making a contribution that will help someone take the steps to achieving what we often take for granted: housing and stability. A gift in any amount is welcome.
  • $30 buys a bus pass or cab ride to a grocery store, job interview or doctor appointment
  • $90 provides food and shelter for one single adult for a week
  • $200 pays for a month of coffee in the shelter
  • $500 subsidizes a month's rent for a family
  • $500 offsets the wages of the direct service providers in the shelters and family housing programs
This is truly life-giving work and your partnership with us is vital. We believe that much of the success of the programs is due to the careful one-on-one case management that helps empower our clients to achieve their potential. Amazing relationships are developed that help sustain the program participants and the staff.
All of the services that are provided are paid for by private funding, people like you, your family or colleagues. Please continue your support until we join in celebration that everyone who wants housing has a home.
For the safety of your personal information, our on-line donation system is totally secure. Heartfelt thanks from all of the staff at Alliance Research Foundation.
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